For last week's assigment , I was told to listen to one of the 6 minute english podcasts by BBC Learning English and to make a summary of it . 1 title caught my attention. "why do cities make usrude?" , so i decided to listen to it . Here is my summary :
When we have a positive interaction with somebody, our body releases a chemical.It is oxytocin - a hormone commonly known as the 'love drug'. It reduces fear, increases trust between people, and evokes feelings of contentment. People in big cities are often scared to start a conversation with a stranger , Dr Elle Boag thought that people persistently looking for potential threats around us, and this then makes us not give eye contact, this will reduce the likelihood that anybody will say hello . So we belcome insular . People living in cities have stuff to do. And it's not necessarily rudeness that stops people from chatting.
Why not create a link of the episode you listened to your blog, so if your reader is interested in it, they can have the access to the episode easily.